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Is Your Personal Style A Turn On

Our bodies go through so many phases that at some point we loose our sexy.

It can happen unconsciously, we are living our everyday life and we decided along the way that we have chosen comfortable over sex appeal.

Sometimes we are so far gone that we feel like we cannot find our way back to feeling sexy and attractive.

Listed below are a few tips on helping you tap into your alter ego and bring back the alluring side of you.

Take baby steps behind clothes doors and you will be surprised at how you will burst at the seams wanting to add a few more flirtatious pieces to your wardrobe.

  • Heels

  • Inviting fragrance

  • Silk night gowns

  • Sexy undergarments

  • Chanel Body Shimmering body oil

  • Show a little skin but keep it tasteful

I have put these tips to the test, when I get out of the shower I feel so sexy and inviting just by switching out my cotton night shirt for a sexy silk yet comfortable nightgown. I moisturize my skin and put on my perfume that I purchased just for bedtime.

When I stepped out the house I had a matching bra and panty set under a form fitted knee length dress and a pair of heels that felt like sneakers.

My confidence was on 100 and I felt so so suductive but in a settled way. I was taking action for Myself but the compliments didn’t hurt.

I wanted to feel like I could still be sensual even though I was a mom and a wife.

I had to remind myself that I still got it.

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