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Is Your Personal Style Personal OR Influenced

It is no secret that in the online world of fashion everyone is wearing the same looks, accessories etc... I feel that people do not have a sense of what their personal style is and it's easier to see a cute item and purchase it just because it's trending rather than take the time to do the work to see what colors and pieces work well with their body type.

Seeing the lack of creativity is very frustration when you are looking for inspiration. Copy and Past is the new thing. It is discouraging the direction that style is going in. Influenced has taken the place of personal.

Being original and unique is a breath of fresh air and it stands out. Broadcasting what you have to offer when it comes to building an eclectic wardrobe is the best part of expressing yourself. How will people know how creative and fashionable you are if you are dressed like everyone else.

Constantly seeing the same articles of clothing and products over and over again is more annoying than you think, it does not make me want to make a purchase, it makes me want to logoff.

You have something amazing to offer just by being you and allowing your individuality to shine, go against the grain and let's get back to highlighting our differences instead of blending in, different is Beautiful.

The Key Word In Personal Style Is Personal

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